Westlake Big Band from Auckland, perform at 2022 Young Jazz Band-it in Wellington.
Well the Young Jazz Band-it Competition is indeed up and running.

The first ever finals were held at the New Zealand School of Music, Victoria University on Saturday, 1 October.
Some 230 high school aged musicians ascended onto Wellington with energy to burn for the art form of jazz.
Wow!! What a day, it was so encouraging and inspiring to hear these young musicians perform with the over-arching theme being the collective vibe and love of making great music together in a supportive environment.
A big-shout-out to all the teachers, band directors and family member who help make it all possible.
We look forward to the Young Jazz Band-It 2023 with entries for this being opened towards the end of November.
Burnside High School Big Band wins the Essential NZ Jazz Band Competition
On Saturday, some 230 high school musicians from all around the country descended upon the New Zealand School of Music - Te Kōkī, Victoria University of Wellington, for the inaugural Young Jazz Band-it school jazz competitions. The Young Jazz Band-it initiative is a joint venture between Youthtown and the Aotearoa Jazz Education &... Keep Reading